December, 2024

Despite most of our composting households being away, we still diverted 87.8lbs of kitchen waste from landfill. The total amount of kitchen waste composted in 2024 was a whopping 7,061.9lbs - well done everybody!! This is the equivalent of almost 6 cubic yards saved from landfill - just imagine if all neighborhoods did this! We are hoping to reach our goal of 10,000lbs in 2025, we know we can do it!
Our piles were frozen solid around the edges this morning, but the insides reached temperatures of over 80 degrees. We have been a bit lazy about turning this week, but with a bit more aeration we should get them to over 100 degrees. They are currently a lovely temperature for worms but not quite hot enough for the thermophilic micro organisms to do their thing!
Thank you everyone and Happy New Year from Addison, Mariam and Noah!
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