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a year ago

Brilliant Mariam. I gather its growing successfully and your composting skills are now well honed. Keep it up and save the planet

Marc Dubois
a year ago

Fantastic work team! A really great initiative and will hopefully inspire others to follow suit! I will follow your progress to see how you get on - good luck!

a year ago

Fantastic news about joining the ~Greenwich composting initiative!! It will raise your profile hugely. Also well done with your week by week increase in compostable material saved from landfill.

Dan Glenn
a year ago

Great work, hope it continues to go well!

Ming Mustoe
a year ago

This is a brilliant initiative and great progress already. Really impressed with your commitment and looking forward for more updates soon. Good luck!

a year ago

Compost pile is looking good. Big increase in the amount you have collected. Hopefully your customers will do better each week with your encouragement. Well done. Keep it up.

a year ago

Thank you so much for your comment! Have a look at todays blog, we are very excited that the pile is heating up!

Harriet Fahimi
a year ago

Well done guys! I know how long you have been talking about this, and great to see the pilot has got started. Will follow your progress! I hope you manage to get the carbon, nitrogen ratio right so your composting pile reaches the optimal temperatures for hot composting! Good luck!

Andrew Lane
a year ago

How exciting to read and hear about what you are doing and I really hope that you get growing support to make this great initiative a huge success. WELL DONE!!

a year ago

Well done all of you. It's a wonderful initiative and I know you have put in a huge a amount of work to get this up and running.

Robert Mcdavid
a year ago

Great idea. Love the initiative. Good luck and HopeThis project inspires other communities to start similar projects