Pick up 1/17

Today we collected 126.2 pounds of kitchen scraps. We were hoping to collect more but hopefully next week we will collect more! We were very surprised to see that despite the cold weather, our pile has remained active! This is great news because it means that the food scraps are still breaking down. Thank you to everybody who dropped off and left their bins out! 

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First update of 2025!

Happy New Year!  Today was our second pick up of 2025, last week we collected 133.7lbs of kitchen scraps, this week 153.20lbs -  a total of 286.9lbs this year.  With this extremely cold weather the piles have cooled to around 65 degrees so the composting process will slow.  This is not a problem, we will keep adding to our two piles, turning, and, if necessary, start a third before spring when the process will speed up again.  Happy composting!

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