Happy composting!

Today was a spectacular day composting. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there wasn’t a cloud in sight.   We collected and received a whopping 155.8 pounds of extra juicy kitchen scraps.  Thank you all!

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Spring is coming!

With only 18 days until Spring the crew has a lot of work to do preparing compost - it is going to be a busy few weeks.  We will have some fully treated compost available at the start of spring, with much more available by May.  We will keep you posted!

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Pickup - 2/15

Today was a great day for composting! Despite half of our households being away, we still collected 90.4 pounds of kitchen scraps. We are fast approaching 9,000 pounds diverted from landfill which is phenomenal! Thank you all! Today we aerated both of the piles to ensure that neither of them go inactive especially during the colder months. Thank you to everyone who dropped off this week, it makes pickup so much faster and easier. We are hoping that next week, as everyone will be back from vacation, we will double the amount of kitchen scraps that we pick up.

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Pickup - 2/7

Today we collected 154 pounds of kitchen scraps. Lucas and Sebby helped out today which was very much appreciated! A record number of people dropped off which was very helpful. It makes a huge difference and now we can take on more people if anybody knows someone who would like to join! (Who lives within a two mile radius/is willing to drop off). We are still looking for any contacts in Ridgefield to set up a second project if anybody knows someone! Thank you everyone!

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Almost 150lbs today!

Our two compost piles continue to be active, still around 100 degrees.  Each week the level in the containers drops about 6", so despite the process slowing in the winter months, breakdown is still happening!

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Warm compost despite frigid temperatures!

Despite the frigid temperatures and many of our households finding their kitchen scraps frozen solid this morning, our two active piles are still nice and warm, between 80 and 100 degrees.  It is not hot enough for hot composting but there is a lot of worm activity and when we turn the piles there is a lot of steam! The piles are still breaking down, although not as quickly as they do in warmer temperatures.

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Pick up 1/17

Today we collected 126.2 pounds of kitchen scraps. We were hoping to collect more but hopefully next week we will collect more! We were very surprised to see that despite the cold weather, our pile has remained active! This is great news because it means that the food scraps are still breaking down. Thank you to everybody who dropped off and left their bins out! 

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First update of 2025!

Happy New Year!  Today was our second pick up of 2025, last week we collected 133.7lbs of kitchen scraps, this week 153.20lbs -  a total of 286.9lbs this year.  With this extremely cold weather the piles have cooled to around 65 degrees so the composting process will slow.  This is not a problem, we will keep adding to our two piles, turning, and, if necessary, start a third before spring when the process will speed up again.  Happy composting!

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